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Craigie Primary School

Craigie Primary School

Curriculum for Excellence

The values, purposes and principles for the curriculum 3–18 in Scotland are set out in Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). CfE promotes breadth, depth, challenge, enjoyment, challenge, progression, coherence, relevance, personalisation and choice of learning. The curriculum at Craigie Primary takes account of the ethos and life of the school, curriculum areas, interdisciplinary learning and opportunities for personal achievement. We provide a variety of teaching methods and active learning opportunities, which support children to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors (four capacities). Relevant educational visits and visitors are organised to enhance the educational experiences of our children. Outdoor learning in our community is an integral part of the learning activities undertaken.  Emphasis is put on learning concepts and skills and then applying these in real life, problem solving situations to develop skills for life, learning and work.


As well as teaching the subject specific skills related to each area of the curriculum, Higher Order Thinking Skills (remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating, creating) are taught and applied. Social skills: problem solving, leadership, working with others, enterprise and employability and organisation are also taught to prepare our children for their future lives.


At Craigie Primary, CfE Experiences and Outcomes are grouped into relevant ‘bundles’ covering a three year period, to ensure breadth and depth of learning and provide interesting contexts. These bundles are shared with the children and they work with teachers to plan their learning contexts. This ensures children have choice in their learning.


In Craigie Primary our children learn:

  • Literacy: Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking, Modern Languages: French P1-7
  • Numeracy and Maths: Information Handling, Number, Money and Measure and Shape, Position and Movement
  • Health and Wellbeing: Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing, Planning for Choices and Change, Physical Education, Food and Health, Substance Misuse, Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood.
  • Sciences: Planet Earth, Energy in the Environment, Communication, Forces & Motion, Life and Cells, Materials, Topical Science, Inquiry and Investigative Skills, Scientific Analytical Thinking Skills and Scientific Literacy
  • Social Subjects: People, Place and Environment, People, Past Events and Societies, People in Society, Economy and Business
  • Technologies: Technological Developments in Society, ICT to Enhance Learning, Business, Computing Science, Food and Textiles, Craft, Design, Engineering and Graphic
  • Expressive Arts: Music, Art and Design and Drama
  • Religious and Moral Education: Christianity, Other World Religions, Development of Beliefs and Values


Children learn at different rates and have different strengths and development needs. Ensuring that each child reaches his/her potential is an integral part of learning and teaching at Craigie Primary.  It is therefore the norm that children will be working at different levels within the same year stage.